Friday, December 17, 2010

How to find time for a second job?

How to find time for a second job?

Wouldn’t it be great to have a ‘Back to the Future’ time machine to make time stand still so you could catch up.. You work thirty seven hours a week or more, you are exhausted in the evenings, the family need you at the weekend, your folks complain you never visit, the leaky tap needs fixing, the cat has to go to the vet. No way you say. I’ve barely time for one job, never mind two.

Read it all at -

Where is liberation for the wage slave?

Where is liberation for the wage slave? 'Work for yourself' people say, 'you'll never get rich working for someone else', is the cry. Hey, not so easy chum. Isn't starting a business a risky business.

Train Toilette

Hubnugget winning blog -

Covers the strange practice of people moving their bathroom practices onto the train.